An Awesome Idea To Get More Traffic to Your Sites and Blogs


I have been getting considerable traffic from non-English domains and sites, mainly from non-English Google searches from all over the world and foreign language bookmarking sites. I have successfully generated traffic from Italian, Spanish, French, German, Dutch, Portugese, and many other foreign language domains. This is what prompted me to suggest the installation of a 'Translate This Page'button

According to the World Internet Statistics, only around 30% internet users are Engish. So, there are nearly 70% of the traffic to aim for!. Please refer to the screenshot below. These stats are last updated on June 30, 2008.

World Internet Language Statistics

Top 10 Languages Used on the Internet, updated on May 31, 2011

How To Get Traffic From Non-English Sites

One of the reason I wanted the 'translate this page' button is that, not all foreign language visitors will be able to comprehend what is on a stricly English site and they may never return again. Or they will have to use their own tool to translate the pages. Although there are a lot of free online translation tools available I rely on Google Translate.
As Mark Indicated, there is also a lighter side of online automatic translations with which you can entertain yourself at Lost In Translation.
Ok. Here is how I do it.
With Google Translate you can translate most major languages somewhat effectively. Using this tool I translate the title and text for the article into the language I want. I copy these and head over to the foreign language bookmarking sites of my choice. Once again I use the Google Translate tool to convert their pages to english. Now you can easily use that site just like any other English bookmarking sites and hope to get some traffic from them. Anyway you are getting a free backlink from a foreign language site! Don't forget that most of these foreign language sites have high PR as well.
For your reference below is the biggest list of working non-English bookmarking sites that you can use to get some high traffic. I am sure in the coming years there will be more and more language specific sevices on the net, and I will have keep on updating this list. But always remember not to break the golden rule of social bookmarking sites. DONT SPAM!
All The Best

The Biggest List Of Non-English Bookmarking Sites

  1. 365Key - Chinese
  2. @nifty - Japanese
  3. alltagz - German
  4. Anotalo - Spanish
  5. Baai! - Russian
  6. baqoo - Japanese
  7. Batumark - Japanese
  8. BLINK - Japanese
  9. BlogPeople Tags - Japanese
  10. Bluegger - French
  11. BobrDobr - Russian
  12. bokee - Chinese
  13. Bookmarks - French
  14. bookmarkr - Korean
  15. Choix - Japanese
  16. CoRich - Japanese
  17. Colivia - German
  18. Chuza - Spanish
  19. CSSLook - Korean
  20. darabet - Arabic
  21. DigBuzz - Chinese
  22. DIGG - Latvian
  23. DoMelhor - Portugese
  24. Eezyy News - Chinese
  25. eKudos - Dutch
  26. Fique Rico Online - Portugese
  27. Flash-Clip - Japanese
  28. Flog - Japanese
  29. Fuzz - French
  30. Gwar - Polish
  31. Hadash Hot - Hebrew
  32. HATENA - Japanese
  33. HEMiDEMi - Chinese
  34. icio de - German
  35. INEFFABILE - Italian
  36. InterNetMedia - Hungarian
  37. JoltMark - Japanese
  38. Karigane - Japanese
  39. Kilasan - Indonesian
  40. linkBlog - Portugese
  41. Linkertop - French
  42. Linkk - Portugese
  43. Linkologia - Polish
  44. Linkter - Portugese
  45. ListFreak - Japanese
  46. livedoor LISLOG - Japanese
  47. mar.gar - Korean
  48. - Hungarian
  49. meneame - Spanish
  50. Mister Wong - Spanish
  51. Mister Wong - Russian
  52. Mister Wong - French
  53. Mister Wong - German
  54. Mister Wong - Chinese
  55. MSN Reporter - French
  56. MSN Reporter - Norwegian
  57. MSN Reporter - Dutch
  58. News 2.0 - Korean
  59. Noticias.Kesar - Spanish
  60. NTPY - Turkish
  61. OKNOtizie - Italian
  62. oneview - German
  63. Onzig - Romanian
  64. Overmundo - Portugese
  65. Ouvi dizer - Portugese
  66. phigita - Greek
  67. Pingking - Japanese
  68. Pioche - French
  69. Populicias - Spanish
  70. Pusha - Swedish
  71. Rec6 - Portugese
  72. ROOTACE - Japanese
  73. saites - Latvian
  74. Scoopeo - French
  75. Segnalo - Italian
  76. SEOigg - German
  77. Shaveh - Hebrew
  78. SocialDust - Italian
  79. synClick - Japanese
  80. tag.schaufler - German
  81. TagMos - Dutch
  82. TapeMoi - French
  83. TechNotizie - Italian
  84. Tipt - Dutch
  85. toodoo - Russian
  86. Wapher - Arabic
  87. Webnews – German
  88. Wikio - German
  89. Wikio - French
  90. WyKop - Polish
  91. Yigg - German
  92. Yo Grito - Spanish
  93. Yuying - Japanese
  94. Zabaldu - Basque
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