All In One SEO Pack - Pro Version

All In One SEO Pack - Pro Version

All in One SEO Pack - Pro Version is streamlined for some best practices for WordPress SEO. While it gives you many options the defaults reflect the settings I recommend using.
Pro Version Features:
Custom Taxonomy support
Ideal for Developers and Firms using the plugin on client sites
Support Forum
Advanced notice of new features, updates, functionality

The All in One SEO Pack - Pro Version has been a vital tool in managing the search engine optimization strategy for our websites, utilizing the automated tools in it has saved us countless hours and headaches in performing the necessary SEO functions of our sites. -Dan Milward, Instinct CEO, creator of WP e-Commerce

Additional Features:
Canonical URLs
Fine tune Page Navigational Links
Built-in API so other plugins/themes can access and extend functionality
ONLY plugin to provide full SEO Integration for WP e-Commerce sites
Nonce Security
Support for CMS-style WordPress installations
Automatically optimizes your titles for search engines
Generates META tags automatically
Avoids the typical duplicate content found on Wordpress blogs
For beginners, you don't even have to look at the options, it works out-of-the-box. Just install.
For advanced users, you can fine-tune everything
You can override any title and set any META description and any META keywords you want.
Backward-Compatibility with many other plugins, like Auto Meta, Ultimate Tag Warrior and others.

How to use it
Here is a list of the most important on-page ranking factors and how they are addressed by this WordPress SEO plugin. You might want to visit Options – All in One SEO to tweak the default options.

The text that you see in your browser’s window bar is the most important thing *on* your page. Make sure your titles are getting rewritten and the important stuff (your post titles) always come before anything else. You can leave a few words from your blog title to do some branding but don’t overdo. If your post titles don’t contain your most precious phrases you want to rank for then tweak them. Leave the post titles as it is but change the meta title.

Once your pages rank in search engines your description (aside of course from your title) makes a potential visitor want to click through, or not. It’s mta descriptions, believed dead by many people, that decide over your site’s fate. If you don’t want to invest the time and write a description for every post at least let them be auto-generated. This vastly better than the usual “Share This … Posted on … under …” description that is often used. The preferred source for your post description is your post excerpt. Use this when you want to tweak your description.

All in One SEO Pack can generate them from your categories (this was the old way of tagging your posts in wordpress) or from Ultimate Tag Warrior or, starting with WordPress 2.3, the built-in tagging system. Using your categories is optional, the rest is auto-detected and used if there. WP 2.3.x tags are the preferred keyword source.

Duplicate Content
You can have “noindex” and the like generated for archive-, category- and tag pages if you seem to have trouble with duplicate content.

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