A title is very important in any online document as it gives description of the content contained in a web page. It appears in three essential places namely the browser, external websites and search result pages. The title should be accurate and concise to give the web page the correct positioning in the search engine optimization. Meta description is a brief description of what to expect to find in a web page. The web surfers makes the crucial decision whether to visit your web page or not following how the Meta description has been designed.
The Best Title Tag
1. Length of the title: the maximum number of characters displayed bysearch results is 70. A title which exceeds that number will result to some of the characters to be cut off which might be what the web surfer was searching.
2. Positioning of the key word: the closer the key word to the front of the title is placed the better the ranking. This automatically means more visitors clicking to visit the web page.
3. Maximizing on the brand name: the use of brand name at the end of the title or at the beginning is recommended by some SEO. Brand names which have earned great reputations may lure the web surfers to the web page more than the use of the key word at the beginning of the tile. This all depends on the popularity of the brand.
4. Emotional impact and effectiveness: a title which is compelling to the reader is the first contact the web visitor will connect with or disconnect. Creating a positive impression determines a click on the page or the prospective visitor choosing your competitor.
The Best Descriptions Tag
Just like title Meta description determines whether or not the web surfer will click on your page or not. Meta descriptions should be under the maximum of 165 characters. Other important factors to note includes:-
1. Uniqueness: each web page should have a unique Meta description andinformation. The competitors are always on the lookout and duplication will mean failing as your tactic will be obvious. Putting the key word at the beginning of the text and include call to action to build on the click-thru-rates
2. Comprehensive research: you need to read the mind of the people searching your industry. Collecting data of the most likely used terms and words is important to create the best Meta descriptions leading to web page visits.
3. Competitive analysis: in the world today the market is saturated by similar goods and services. Everybody is out to grab the few available customers at any cost. Carrying out competitive analysis will give your web page a higher chance many visits.
Writing great titles and Meta description is an art which improves with time. The use of search engine to search for the appropriate key words that the industry users are likely to search is essential. The choice of Meta description and title helps in segmenting the users who are likely to convert at a later date.