6 Helpful Tips on Building Email Circulation and Increasing Website Traffic

If you want to increase website traffic and build a larger email marketing list, we have the solution

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For successful online publishers, website traffic and email circulation go hand-in-hand. For instance, the more website traffic you have, the bigger your email marketing list will likely be.
If you want more website traffic and a larger email marketing file, try using the six tips we outline below. You can get further help in our Increasing Website Traffic & Building Email Marketing Lists free white paper. There are over 33 helpful tips within this digital download that will surely fit your company’s needs.

To begin, here are three tips for building website traffic with every article you publish.
Increasing Website Traffic Tip #1 – Comments: Conduct a Google search to find blogs that discuss a similar topic. Add valuable insight to the comments section and link directly to your article.

Increasing Website Traffic Tip #2 – Bookmarks: Adding your best articles to social bookmarking sites is almost like sending out a press release for each article you write. More eyes will see it, and people can share, “like” or “digg” it, depending on the site you utilize. Facebook, Digg and StumbleUpon are all popular bookmarking sites.
Do you want more website traffic and a larger email marketing list? Download our freeIncreasing Website Traffic & Building Email Marketing Lists eBook now and learn the strategies successful publishers and Internet marketers are using.
Increasing Website Traffic Tip #3 – Twitter: This social network is perhaps the quickest way of spreading your content. Integrating Twitter with all of your editorial and marketing efforts will greatly help increase website traffic. Many online publishers are reporting Twitter to be a top five source of website traffic.

After the traffic is coming to your website, here are three tips for converting that traffic into email subscribers.

3 Offers for Building Email Circulation:
Building Email Circulation Offer #1 – Free Products: Every online publisher needs free products to give away. These products can be compiled with existing materials, created from scratch with fresh content or can be a combination of the two. Each should incorporate educational information that will help an audience member answer a pressing question they have. New users should always be required to exchange a valid email address for a free product.

Building Email Circulation Offer #2 - Site Access: If you have great content that can easily interest readers, offering site access for additional content is a great way to build email circulation. I’m sure you’ve come across websites where an article will prompt the user to “read more”. After clicking the link, the reader is asked to register with the site to view the rest of the article. Registration will almost involve the exchange of an email address.

Building Email Circulation Offer #3 – Email Updates: If your content is exactly what a user is looking for, getting them to sign up for your email newsletters can lead to revenue generation. To do this, extend numerous offers for your users throughout your website. Be sure to include OFIEs, OFINs, Floaters and interrupter ads on all pages of your website.

For more traffic and a bigger email marketing file, download a free digital copy of Increasing Website Traffic & Building Email Marketing Lists now.
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