Smart Poster 3.7 Pro - automatic delivery of ads


SmartPoster - a program designed to automate the process of mailing to the bulletin boards and catalogs of information resources. Suffice it once to configure the program to send a particular directory (board) to continue to produce our newsletter with a single click. If you want to place their ads on bulletin boards, or post links to your sites to directories of resources, while spending a minimum of time, then the program to send SmartPoster is what you need! 

Key features: 

  • Multithreaded module allows sending mail as possible for your Internet connection speed. 
  • Powerful parser that works with both object-oriented model of the document and with the plain text in the database lets you add any program boards, directories, guest books, and make them our top regardless of whether they are using Java-scripts, SESSION, cookies, control Pictures, dynamically changing fields, etc. 
  • Support for multiple forms. You can make a database program complex shapes Submitting sites which consists of several stages (eg, filling out forms and authorization forms add a message). At the same time supported by any number of intermediate forms (stages). 
  • Built-in database manager allows you to create backups of the database, import / export lists, group lists by category, quickly check on the availability of addresses to identify non-business resources. 
  • Support for the possibility of mailing a proxy server. 
  • The function definition Google PR and Yandex citation index. 
  • The function checks for the existence of addresses. 
  • POP3 avtokonfirmer for automatic registration confirmation to the Internet resources. 
  • Built-in proxy manager with the function of checking proxy servers for existence. Supports Socks and Http proxies. 
  • The automatic search for new boards and directory of resources. The program includes a parser issue of the four major search engines (Google, Yandex, Yahoo, MSN). Just write your search query and the program itself will pass all of the pages with the issuance of the system, will go to each address, the page will analyze for the presence of forms and fields of its compliance with specified criteria, and then found the address will be added to the database program. Batch mode allows you to specify field values ​​can easily configure all the addresses found on the mailing list. 
  • The modularity of the database. You can easily create a database with their categories and addresses. Databases can easily save a file to transfer to another machine. When saving to a file database can be encrypted for subsequent sale or exchange. 
  • Advanced search for addresses within the program database by any criteria. 

Who simply need a program Smart Poster: 

  • Owners of sites

    It's not a secret that the presence of external links (ie links from other sites) to the pages of your site is one of the most important factors in the successful positioning in search engines. Furthermore, many search engines (eg, Google or Yahoo!) simply will not index the new site for as long as it does not appear link (already indexed) resources. It should therefore be regularly register your site in many directories, FFA, guest books, blogs and other resources providing to webmasters for free to post links to their sites. 
  • Persons involved in sending advertising on billboards

    Smart Poster will save you from having to fill out many forms of time to add information to the board. It takes only one time to create a text ad (or multiple ads), and tell the program where to place it. Created ads, you can save, in order to use them in the future, for example - when re-sending. In the future you will be able to repeat again and again, sending just one mouse click! 

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