Po.st: Social sharing with revenue opportunities

Po.st is a win for both the publisher and their audience.  Unlike alternatives like ShareThis and AddThis, Po.st is the only social sharing platform that provides publishers with revenue opportunities and comprehensive analytics tools designed to drive higher engagement and user acquisition. What's more, In addition to integrating a full suite of social sharing extensions, Po.st has built in a proprietary copy and paste function as well as a customized URL shortener which  is baked into the widget to ensure publishers can track virality all within a single dashboard. The copy and paste functionality allows publishers to track when their content is copied and include a link-back when the copy is pasted. Po.st is designed to seamlessly link to RadiumOne's ShareGraph technology and offer publishers greater value for the advertising inventory on their site. This technology leverages social sharing data to provide un-matched targeting for advertisers. 

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Amazingly enough, Po.st fills a gap in the market very nicely. Its hard to believe that, up until now, there have been very few ways of ensuring your website contents are compensated accurately. Po.st not only does this but also adds a link to the posted content as well as providing an array of analytical tools to keep track of your important data. The bottom line here is that Po.st makes it easy and automatic to be recompensed for your work. It's an easy site to navigate and use and it's totally free to use.

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