Flv Youtube Video Player with Ads and CMS

Flv Youtube Video Player with Adverts support allows you to put your own adverts in your videos. You can easily add your videos with CMS . CMS interface has very clean design and allows you to add or remove your videos without any codes.


* Youtube, .FLV, .MOV, .3GP, MP4V , .F4V, .MP4, .M4A, .3G2 width H.264, .HEAAC v2
FUllscreen support with controls active (You can control the video in fullscreen mode )
Keyboard control. Keyboard control in Fullscreen mode
Widescreen 16:9 and regular 4:3 support
* Aspect ratio same with your videos
Unlimited Videos
* Customizable player window 
No Flash needed (CMS)
No Code needed (CMS)
* Special List system
* Customizable full width and height
* Upload and use in 2 minutes
High Quality Resolution
* Looks exactly the same in all browsers
* Can be used in Flash, HTML , PHP, Wordpress and so much more

Video player supports 16:9 widescreen. Adverts (ads) system is specially designed for playing the ads before the originial video. You can also choose your ads video type as Youtube Video or FLV video. Ads module also supports countdown system. Which means, you can either make your visitor to watch entire ads or you can set a countdown time and when it ends, your ads will stop automatically.

Basicly the best video player you can ever find.


CMS module allows you to control your videos without any codes. CMS means Content Management System.

  • You can add videos

  • You can delete videos

  • You can easily upload your FLV videos

  • You can easily upload your video thumbnail

  • You can easily add your FLV videos

  • You can easily add your Youtube videos

  • You can set ads system on or off

  • CMS Security : CMS login interface allows you to edit your videos. This system uses username and password for you to edit your videos. This way, only you (as authorized person) can edit your videos.


    You can add adverts to your player. Adverts will play before your actual video.
  • You can use your FLV videos in Ads module

  • You can use your Youtube videos in Ads module

  • You can make your video plays after your ads

  • You can add external links to your ads video

  • You can set a countdown time for your ads. This way you can use long length videos for your ads and use a countdownd time

  • Explanation of Countdown System : Let’s say you have a commercial (ads) video which is 50 seconds length. And your actual video will start after your ads. You can set a countdown time. Let’s say you set your countdown time as 15 seconds. This way, your visitor will not be have to wait until your ads video ended.
    Disable Countdown System :However, you may want your ads video to play all. Even it’s a 50 seconds video, you may want it to be watched. You can make your ads video to play all without any countdown. You can easily disable countdown system with CMS module


    Video Player also supports keyboard control
  • Arrow Right – Sends video 5 seconds forward

  • Arrow Left – Sends video 5 seconds back

  • Space – Pause / Play the current video

  • ESC – Close fullscreen mode


  • PHP Server

  • Explanation : In order to use CMS you should have a PHP server. Most of the host providers can give you a php based server such as Linux. You can either find free hosts and professional hosts for using PHP files.

    NO SQL

    You don’t need to use any sql entries. System does not use any sql.


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