Content Solution v2

What can ContentSolution articles do for you?

Unlimited access to stacks of quality content makes everything possible. Literally.
More links: More articles to submit to article directories means more links for to websites (and better possible search engine rankings).
Better search rankings: One of the criteria the search engines grade your site by is how often you update with new content. CS makes updating your sites easy.
More income producing websites in more markets: More content means you can tackle more niches and markets, making more income from more places.
Business efficiency: A faster, easier way to create content means you can spend your time where it should be - marketing your websites.

Why the ContentSolution over the others?

CS makes content creation faster, easier and more effective by combining traditional content spinning (word and phrase swapping), with:

1. Markov generation
2. thesaurus customization
3. multi-faceted content collection/scraping
4. latent semantic analysis
5. automatic rewrite functions
6. multiple output formats (txt, html, RSS and delimited text files)
7. and more...

Simply put, the ContentSolution makes article creation painless, combining all of the latest in content creation technology into one, ridiculously easy-to-use interface. ANY user can master it. 

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