The Complete Windows 7 Shortcuts eBook for FREE

I love keyboard shortcuts in any versions of systems that I use, which is why we have covered many of them separately in different topics here. But that’s still far from the whole sets of shortcuts covered in Windows 7.

Now, thanks to Nitin Aarwal who have composed a complete Windows 7 keyboard Shortcuts eBook and have published for you to download for FREE.
This 43-page of eBook comprises of more than 200 keyboard shortcuts covering pretty much every aspects of areas in Windows 7, including its default programs such as Paint, WordPad, Calculator, Help, Media Player, etc. etc.

The eBook is bookmarked-ready, both in PDF and XPS format, with a fully linked content index.
So, if you love the keyboard shortcuts, what are you waiting for?
Go and download the free eBook here.

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