Truth About “Facebook Hacker’s” Software and all such software which claim to hack password | Totally Scam

Todays post mainly aims for those newbies who want to learn hacking but don’t know actually what it means? so they tend to think that mainly software exist using them they can hack any thing. But that is a wrong concept you can’t hack anyone by merely some clicks and password of that person may be in front of you. Following I am going to reveal the realities behind such softwares.

Software May have a binded Trojan or Keylogger With it:-

Like mostly in case of Facebook, people try to find out a software and hackers make use of this weakness and often they design fake hacking software in VB (Like I can also designed one in Visual Basic Environment, By just designing some button and text fields and then debugging the software and after testing generating the required .exe, But all will be fake) and attach a Trojan Or Keylogger with that mainly some RAT.

Software Itself can be a phisher:-

Many times the software it self can be a phisher and will ask you to enter your email address and password first, Which will be sent to its creator for sure. And then the hacking page will appear but surely you won’t get any results.

In fact there is not such software for Hacking Facebook, Yahoo, Gmail or Else MSN password of any user, As such companies pay high amount of money to the researchers who make their servers secure so that no hacker can gain un-authorized access to them for bad purpose.

Some Facts I gathered to Assure you that such softwares are Fake:-

First Fact Over Youtube:-

I saw a video at YouTube and it was claiming that you can hack any Facebook account using the software,whose download link was given in description, Check it below:-

Thus, I downloaded this nice piece of software for testing purpose, And then tried to scan it over some antivirus engines, So I got this result over novirusthanks:-
File Information:-
  • Report date: 2011-09-08 22:21:56 (GMT 1)
  • File name: fbhackupdate-4-3-exe
  • File size: 501760 bytes
  • MD5 Hash: 4db3a47a23620ac0fe59de38d7d142ac SHA1 Hash: 766341e789fc2eff1a7630a4aebceec292597d50
  • Detection rate: 4 on 9 (44% ) Status: INFECTED
  • Avast - Win32:AutoRun-CHH [Trj]
  • AVG - Avira AntiVir - ClamAV - Comodo - Heur.Suspicious
  • Emsisoft - P2P-Worm.Win32.Palevo!IK
  • F-Prot - Ikarus - P2P-Worm.Win32.Palevo
Scan report generated by
So, the file which I downloaded was infected by some virus already, Now I don’t know that whether the uploaded of the video knew this before or just he wanted to show a tutorial in spite of knowing the fact that it’s a scam.

Second Fact Over Google:-

I Googled for Facebook Account Hacker, and according to my own guess I got so many sites which were offering such thinks, In premium manner or else also in free case. (Note:- In both case all such things are scam, I recommend don’t fall prey to such things.) So, I opened the following search query:-

When I opened this link to check suddenly my Eset Smart Security Alarmed me like this and it even didn’t allowed me to redirect from Google to that site:-

Third Fact Phishing Attempt:-

I was surfing over Facebook and was Googling also to find new scams related this posts, So I found a discussion in Facebook Group VIA Googling, and it was like this below:-

So, He was asking to download the software and then in step 2 login using your own Facebook account, then it surely means that all this is fake. If you will login your password and email will be sent to the creator of this application. Now I don’t know that whether this person is hacker or else he was just sharing to others.  Well, Have Happy and Safer Internet.

Conclusion of all this discussion:-

In the end the conclusion is this that there is no such software to hack Facebook or any other account, Rather your own effort and social engineering ways will work. I have already posted real working ways to crack Facebook password and have also told you how to be safe from such attacks. 
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