Make Money with Online Facebook Stores
There are several different ways that you can make money online—you can participate in affiliate programs, sell AD space on your web site or complete a number of surveys for example. But if you have an online business your approach to making money and selling your products are services need to be a little different.
While you can set up a blog so that you have a site where you can sell your products/services, promoting your merchandise may be a little difficult to do and you may have a hard time making income. If you would like to reach an extremely large audience however, an easy way to get exposure is selling your products on a site that is flooded with millions of users on a daily basis—Facebook. The popular social networking service is a great portal to use. While most companies use fan pages to self-market and even better alternative is establishing a Facebook Store.
A Facebook store can be compared to a ‘super charged’ fan page—what it does is in addition to promoting, it allows small business owners for example to sell their merchandise or services at a special discounted rate when purchasing through Facebook in the hopes of enticing customers. This shouldn’t be confused with simply adding an e-commerce app onto a fan page however—e-commerce buttons just re-directs customers to another site to confirm purchases.
With a Facebook store however, not only can costumers make purchases directly on Facebook, but you will be part of collection of other Facebook stores. In a way, it’s as almost if you own an individual store within a largeshopping mall or market—costumers can start off in one store but then somehow accidently end up at your store which means you are exposed to a much broader audience (not just fans of your page). As a bonus, whenever a user makes a purchase his or her friends will be notified on their wall feed which means that you can potentially acquire even more customers that way. That said, it’s an excellent way to make some income.
While some of the bigger Facebook stores charge a small monthly fee for you to set up shop like Social Mall, there are some other options that provide services for free. One of the better free ones is Shopping Mall. While only providing the basics –vendors can post images of merchandise, display prices and develop a color scheme for their store—the app works pretty well. Vendors must have a business-related Paypal account first however before you sign up so customers can actually make purchases. But other than that all you need to do is register/ set up an account with Shopping Mall and then add the app.