Java Tutorial for writing application for Google Appengine

This tutorial will contain detail on how to write your first application and upload it to Google App Engine.

Softwares and IDEs to be used :

  • Eclipse Helios
  • Google App Engine plugin for Eclipse Helios

Details of the above you will get at the

Step 1 : Creating the project on Google App

Remember the application name you enter here.
For this demo application I am using name chessfrens

Step 2 : Creating the project in Eclipse  

Here I have named the application as chessfrens to keep in sync with the app name on Google.

By default an application has some code so that you can test it out.

Step 3 : Run the default app in eclipse

Right click on the project. Click on Run As->Google Web Project.

It will show you a url in the console.

Copy that url and paste in your favourite browser.

It might ask you to install a plugin for your browser to run the app. Accept and install it.

Thats it you have run the application.

Here is the screenshot on how it looks.

Step 4 : Deploying on Google Appengine

Before deploying you will have to set you app id

Right click on you project. Goto properties.
Click on App Engine. In the Application ID field, enter the application id which you have used while creating the project on Google App Engine.

I am using chessfrens.

Close the above window once done.

Now right click on the project.

Click on Google -> Deploy to App Engine.

Enter you Google Account username and password ready which you are using to login to Google App Engine.

Enter the details and follow the instructions.

Thats all. Your application is now live.

NOTE : You can create only 10 apps for each account.
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