How To Get Unique Visitors To Your Site And Make Them Keep Coming Back.?

Are you looking to drive more traffic to your website and also don’t want to spend money by getting paid targeted traffic then try to implement one of the following method in your marketing strategy to get desired results..

Internet Marketing Tip 1

There is a big reason that internet is called information highway. The average web surfer is looking for information, not a product to purchase.
They purchase something along the way, but for the most part they simply want answers to their questions and they want it fast. In these days people don’t read web pages, they scan them, and a good internet surfer knows in seconds that if the information he is looking for are available on this page or not, and if not..he will move on. For most of the time if some one is looking for information’s, he barely spend 5 to 10 seconds per website scanning the pages for info. So your main job is to convince user that his relevant contents are available here. And you can do this by writing posts in short paragraphs and in proper formatting so it is easier to know what this is all about at a glance. Use bold fonts and colors to highlight keywords and most important parts.

Internet Marketing Tip 2

Consider offering services free of cost that are beneficial for your visitor. Offering a free newsletter or free daily updates in their inbox or RSS reader. If you think that distributing newsletter may be too time consuming then solution is to obtain free services that notify you whenever someone subscribes to your newsletter, and buy using the email list of subscribers you can easily distribute your newsletter. Remember that user has subscribed to your news letter for information not for advertisements, so keep it to providing useful information’s and don’t make it a forum for ads.  Always provide information’s related to your site or blog topic that may help the newsletter reader and convince his to revisit the website. Don’t forget to place privacy statement and Unsubscribe link at the bottom of newsletter for user to unsubscribe easily if he don’t find information’s useful.

Driving traffic to your site is not really big challenge when there are huge amount of people looking for information’s that you may provide. It just needs some hard work and creativity to do so. Try implementing above marketing strategies to your site, I hope you will find them useful.
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