Free Url Ping Tool – Software

Free Url Ping Tool – Software

Free Url Ping Tool – Software|Free Url Ping Tool – Software|Free Url Ping Tool – Software

URL Ping ToolThis free URL Ping Tool is a simple and easy to use seo tool which allows you to get your website indexed faster in the index of the search engines.

There are many Free Url Ping Tools in the world wide web that will ping your Url to a lot of Ping Services.  Pinging a URL sends your domain to different network ping services to tell these ping services that the content of the Url has been created or updated.  This can quiet simply increased visitors and rankings to that pinged Url from the robots of many search engindes like googlebot and this url mass ping tool can help you with the fast indexing of your own websites, webpages and sites/ pages with your links on (backlinks).
Now you know why you should ping your domain/ webpages and sites, or Urls with your links on (for examples: pages on which you created an article or profile links with an backlink inside), you need to actually ping those links (backlinks).

This URL Ping Tool is 100% for Free!

Free URL Ping ToolThis great little Free Url Ping Tool  is one of my most used SEO Tools which allows to simply mass pinging to many network ping services. Its quiet simply and an very fast Url ping tool, easy to use and a very great method to ping a few Urls with one submission move by some simple mouseclicks.

Maybe you need an tool helps you to get your "user generated backlinks" indexed faster (for example: blog comment links, backlinks or profile backlinks, backlinks), simply paste the urls into this url ping tool and there is also no limit. 


Get Your Page Indexed by Google and Yahoo!
Get Your Page Re-indexed fast after content change!
Get Your Backlinks Indexed and counted fast!

In blogging, ping is an XML-RPC-based push mechanism by which a weblog notifies a server that its content has been updated.
  • An XML-RPC signal is sent to one or more "ping servers," which can then generate a list of blogs that have new material. The technology was first introduced by Dave Winer to in October 2001.
  • Today, most blog authoring tools automatically ping one or more servers each time the blogger creates a new post or updates an old one.
Open ping servers, like Moreover Technologies', let other web services subscribe to a list of blogs that have recently pinged them. Blog search engines can provide fresh results very quickly by polling only the newly-updated blogs. Similarly, aggregators use results from ping servers to tell subscribers which items on their subscription lists have fresh material.
In addition to open ping servers, there are also proprietary ping servers that gather information only for their own applications. Most of the major blog search engines operate such ping servers.
Unlike open ping servers, proprietary servers with their own subscription applications have no incentive to share their received ping data directly with other servers, which may offer competing services. As these servers do not share their data, bloggers have to ping a large number of individual servers to receive the desired publicity. As a result, bloggers have turned to services such as Ping-o-matic and, which ping multiple proprietary ping servers and remove the need for website owners to accquire new servers to ping themselves.

In Simple Words
If you Ping your website or blog search engines like Google,Yahoo and others will find you faster and refresh your content in their index!

Here is a List of all Ping Network Services I have added in:

URL Ping Tool List
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