Discipline for good back links

Building backlinks is something that requires time and efforts. You need to  do it often and well if you want your efforts to be worth it in the end. In this article we will explain what discipline is required for success and also tricks to cheer up and stay organized.

Discipline is required for good backlinking

Backlinking is something that most people that work in the internet marketing business are the most reticent to do on their own. Most of them will required 3rd party helm and buy backlinks from companies (not quite recommended)or from other people that work in the SEO business.( I like to buy from them more). Backlinking is looked-down because it takes time, imagination, researches,organizationand above all consistency. The worst part of building backlinks is also that you don’t see much direct results and it can discourage people.
In the end good backlinking comes down to organization, consistency and having a good backlinking knowledge. People can’t hope to succeed on the long road if they don’t  develop and work on those three aspects.
In this article we will over-look backlinking knowledge as most of the other articles focus on that point.


Consistency is very important as those who work in consistent way will succeed in good backlinking campaign. Most people, will here and there try to get tons of backlinks in a shot and then work on other stuff for a while; sometimes weeks can pass before they mind themselves to some more backlinking. This is very bad, not so much for the search engines as they don’t crawl everything at the same time, but more for the backlinks on the long run. OK so you got 30 backlinks today, you decided to give it a shot and get done with that… So what? The other guy who tried to get 5 good backlinks everyday, at the end of they year will have 5 x 364 backlinks of quality. This is enough to dominate most keywords, of course some will disappear but this guy will have FOR SURE gotten more backlinks then those doing it in bulk. Consistency is the key.
Getting to do so can be a very difficult process, and does takeorganization. No body can say they LOVE to build tons of backlinks manually. But there are ways to organize yourself to get to be serious about that matter and bring yourself to build many backlinks. If you don’t try to get there, there will be huge gaps of no-backlinking to your site and you will regret not having put the required time to dominate your objective (example: 1st in the SERP.)


Organizing your self is really easy once you developed a personal working method. One of the reason people hate backlinking is wasting time searching for places to post backlinks BUT there are millions of these, people don’t know where to search properly in most of cases.There are ways to counter this problem:
Create a excel file:
Every time you surf on the net, and see a place you could get a backlink put the URL in the excel. Later when its BACKLINK TIME, just go straight to business and get that backlink. I have excel sheets with enough backlinks for years to come.
Forum profile creation, directories, blogs,sites I want to exchange links with, article directories and many more.
Keep that excel sheet oraganized and in rows. And if you got many sites on different IP’s you can use the same list over and over, its always longer for the first website.
That is one of many ways to organize yourself for a steady and good Link building disciplined method.
Steady schedule:
Try to, at the same time every day, take a good 20 minute where you focus only on backlinking. And if you can’t do that at the same time, try to make sure you still do it a serious 20 minute a day.
Catch up:
If you can’t work at all on backlinking a certain day for X reason, try to catch up the next day, or do 25 minute for the next 4 days.
In time you will get better at this, and what may seem rough right now and NOT-FUN will eventually become a habit and you will get good at it, take it as a challenge.

Mental stimulation and Courage:

As I wrote earlier, you don’t see immediate results for all the efforts you put into this. Here are some tricks to try to make it more fun and more of a challenge:
Alexa rank: Try to get a higher spot, its fun passing from 20,000,000 and ending up in the 100,000 !
5 Backlinks a day: Try to get 5, and when you have 5 stop, or give it a shot and do just a little more, cause you know you can !
Backlink-Time : Its 4:30, time to do some backlinks! This gets easy with time.
More traffic : Every backlink you put can lead to more traffic.
Appreciate the results: When you go up in the SERP, take time to realize its due to your backlinks and that it really was worth all the efforts. It should get you going for a few days!


If you don’t want to get tired of backlinking before you ever even really started, make sure you learn and read a lot about how to build good backlinks as it can be very frustrating to spend 3 months doing backlinks and realizing it was almost for nothing because you didn’t know about X thing. And the more you learn, the more its easy to get good backlinks and have them in less time. People tend to spam and get low value links when they start rather then getting high ones that won’ take much more time to get.
So organization, consistency and having a good backlinking knowledge. Get the good backlinking knowledge and then start a campaign that THROUGH organization and discipline will lead you to dominate what ever you want to. As those qualities are useful not only on the Internet, but also in every-day life.
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