Celebrity MyHeritage
MyHeritage.com is online tool which does work of matching your photo with the existing celebrity all over the world. Here you need to upload your photo with full face profile and so passport photos are best.
The FaceDouble is a celebrity look-alike generator. Its generates the look-alike results on the basis of how close they look-alike.
Using this application is very simple; you need just upload your photo, provide your email address and accept their terms of conditions. It offers nice way to spare time on Facebook and other social networking sites. It supports direct publish to social networking sites like Facebook, MySpace, Bebo, Hi5 and Orkut.
Picitup Celebrity Match-up
With this online tool interface you can know to which celebrity you look-alike. This work on simple procedure of features present in your picture. Make sure that you have selected right photos of yours. Open Picitup.com and as you seen on the homepage click on image to upload or provide image URL to upload, select male or female in the gender and then provide your email address by accepting terms of use. Then finally click on Get a match to find the results. It has got database of more than 1,00,000 celebrities all over the world including sportsmen, musician, politicians, famous people and others.