This is another scam that has hit the Internet marketing world.It’s getting worse day by day.Google any AdSense related term,you can see ads like “buy AdSense account”, “Get AdSense account for $10”.Many people are getting attracted by these and giving money to get an AdSense account.

The Background
For the last few years Google is very conservative in approving new AdSense account applications specially from the Indian webmasters.The reason for this is that of rampant click fraud that is happening by a section of the Indian webmasters.Many of the Indian webmasters are accused of involving in what is called “click exchange”, where one webmaster will click on the ads in another webmaster’s website and they’ll return the favor.Now,this is not only against the terms and conditions of the AdSense,but it’s unethical also.The AdSense system is based on AdWord advertising. Because of this “click fraud” AdWord advertisers are losing their money,since they are not getting targeted real traffic.
In the last few years Google has banned many webmasters . Now, because of all these things,it’s became very difficult webmaster to get their AdSense account approved.Many of them do not have any idea about other ways of monetization, many of them treat AdSense as easy money.So,they are desperate for an AdSense account.So much so,they are going to do anything for that,even it’s against the terms and conditions of AdSense.
The Buy AdSense Account Scam
That’s where comes these “Buy AdSense Accounts” people.They are promising AdSense account for money.Now,lets have some reality check about these scammers-
That’s where comes these “Buy AdSense Accounts” people.They are promising AdSense account for money.Now,lets have some reality check about these scammers-
* Most of these websites are hosted on free host on sub domains.If you go through their copy you can understand that they’ve never used AdSense.An AdSense publisher surely knows how to write quality content.
* They do not provide any physical address.They know what they are doing is illegal and unethical.They want to stay safe from the legalities.
* They use blackhat methods to get AdSense accounts.Some of them transfer an existing AdSense account changing the Payment details.These accounts can get banned anytime.
* Some methods,legitimate ones, can be adopted by anyone.You can use revenue sharing sites to get your AdSense account approved.You don’t need to pay for that.
* The issue is not much so of getting an AdSense account,but can you keep it without getting banned.If you adopt any illegal method,Google will soon track that and ban you.
So,the bottom-line is that,these sites mostly adopt illegal methods to get an AdSense account.If your site is once rejected by the AdSense,there must be some reason for that.Even if you put AdSense code in that site,from the newly bought AdSense account,your AdSense account may get banned anytime.The best bet for you is to follow the AdSense Publishers’ guideline,create original content,professional looking template,having your own custom domain name.And off course AdSense is not the ultimate monetization option.You can always promote affiliate programs in your site,that can make you more than AdSense.
Source labnol and onlineearningblog.
Please share this, lots of people are making mistakes wasting their time and hard earned money and at the end of the day, they will have their fingers burnt and adsense account banned for life, no proof.