Here you can enter any website (and submit/GO) and you will given a new URL where that same page you entered will be given random effects on each page load.

One your page has loaded, you can then select from over 50 webFX (some are inlaid, some overlays with Adobe Flash animations) and the page will be reloaded with efect applied or embedded.
Use manual java script by  . The thing we have to do is to just add this to our desired URL. I am giving you some example to understand the trick easily. Suppose you want to add java effects to , to do so you have to add after typing . When you joint both url don’t forget to to put . after .com . So in aggregate the URL will be 
More examples
So hope you understand that you have to add after .com .  When you do this you will see in the top left there is a option to select unlimited effects. Try all of them and have fun. 

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