Hacker Lingo

Skid -- Shortened version of the phrase "Script kiddie". A script kiddie is someone who doesn't quite understand how thing work behind the curtains, so they use tools to hack. 

White hat -- These guys are the ones who understand hackers, and how they work; yet use that knowledge to program Anti-Viruses and such in order to stop hackers.

Black Hat -- Term used to describe a hacker who hacks for personal gain be it identity theft, grand theft, phishing, defacement, you get the picture.

Grey hat -- In between, these guys are the majority, and side with neither white or black hats. They are a mix of both

Defacement -- This refers to hacking into a website by various methods (SQLi, XSS, RFI, etc.) and changing the homepage into a page the hacker created himself, which will take the place of the websites old homepage. The page the hacker created often uses eye candy such scrolling text, flashing images, and music. 

SQL -- A common database

SQLi -- A method of hacking in which the hacker gains access to the database by calling out vulnerable tables and columns of the SQL database using the address bar.

RFI - Remote File Inclusion. A method of hacking in which the hacker uses vulnerable things such as signatures, picture uploaders etc. in order to upload malicious software onto the website to deface or root it.

XSS - Cross Site Scripting, google for more info, its a very vague term

FTP - File Transfer Protocol, A way to securely share files over a server. A good link to read up on the subject is: http://www.kb.iu.edu/data/aerg.html

OS - Acronym for "Operating System"

Web Server - A server box, or a computer with special software that runs a website. Also referred to as a "box".

Linux - "Linux is not Unix" Linux is the OS of choice when it comes to hacking. The "fact" that it is more secure is more myth than fact, however what makes it secure is the fact that it controls even less of the market than a MAC does, which means writing viruses to compromise systems running LINUX a waste of time. Linux is open source, free, and is supported by every one. It has websites, and forums dedicated to it and there is likely a type of LINUX OS that will suit your needs, be it personal computing (Ubuntu), Hacking (Backtrack) or anything else. 

Google Dork - A method hackers use to trick google bot into providing vulnerable sites for them, by using specially crafted search queries. 

www.lmgtfy.com - If you are redirected to this site, you most likely dont have the motivation to discover things on your own and expect others to do the work for you. It happens to everyone at some point.

Kevin Mitnik - Arguably the greatest hacker/social engineer. He took the phrase "Security is only as strong as its weakest link" to heart and employed social engineering, phone phreaking, and other various methods to outsmart security measures and pull off some of the greatest "hacks" in history.

UDP/TCP - Networking terms. This refers to the method in which data packets are received and organized.

Packet - A small "packet" of data, usually around 8kb or so, which is transferred from computer to computer, computer to server etc. in order to share information. As your reading this post your computer is communicating with the EH webserver and relaying instructions
via packet data.

ISP - Internet service provider

RAT - Acronym for remote access tool. RAT's are installed on a victims computer unknowingly and grants the hacker full access to his computer using a special tool. Usually the simplest method of hacking, and requires minimal social engineering.

Buffer Overflow - complicated method of hacking, in which the hacker utilizes a vulnerable program on the victims computer and overloads a specific block of memory so it overflows into the surrounding blocks, crashing the program and allowing him to execute code. 

Java, C++, Basic, ASCII, BATCH - These are common programming languages used to develop tools. Both are useful for coding anything from video games, to viruses.

Firewall - A counterpart of your antivirus which helps block viruses and attacks on your computer

AV - Acronym for antivirus. The antivirus is arguably the most important program on your computer, because it blocks malicious programs from running, being downloaded and so forth. It can quaranteen them and even delete them, rendering viruses harmless. However antiviruses dont catch everything, so use common sense when surfing the internet.

Slaves/zombies - a group of computers with malicious software on them which a hacker can make them perform actions such as DDOSing a website.

DDOS - Acronym for distributed denial of service attack. Basically its when a group of people, or a collection of slave/zombie computers flood a targeted web server with packet data until it is overloaded and temporarily offline. 

Social Engineering - A method of information gathering, deception, and hacking in which the social engineer uses fast talking, quick thinking, and a good plan to fool others inorder to get what he wants be it a free item, or access to a bank hes breaking into. Social engineers are often masters of disguise and pose as others in order to slide into the swing of things and remain unnoticed. 
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