How to get Traffic from Facebook to your Blog

No Doubt Facebook is the best Social Networking site. So every Blogger should try to get traffic from Facebook. Many use Facebook even for Marketing & the results they get are too awesome. So just think to get huge traffic from Facebook.

How to get Traffic from Facebook

Getting Traffic from Facebook is not so easy. You have to make a clear plan and have to strictly follow it. Due to huge Facebook traffic you should try to drove that traffic to your Site.
1. Create a Cool Profile
Creating a Attractive profile is the first step towards getting Traffic to your Blog. Display your Blog URL & Description in your profile. This will let others know that you are a blogger and they will then surely land to your Blog to see your work. So this will be your First step to get Traffic from Facebook.
2. Add your Blogging Friends
This is the second & the most important step to get Traffic from Facebook. Add good amount of Blogging Friends to your Profile. This will increase your Friends List. and then you can share your posts with them, as a blogger they will likely to visit your Blog. You can also Create a Good Relation with them, so as to make them your Regular Reader. This will get traffic from facebook towards your blog. Remember, this steps 100% important and it works well for me.
3. Create a Fan Page
This is the third step to be followed to get traffic from facebook. If you haven’t then you must create a Official Fan page of your Blog. Then start sharing your posts in your fan page. Viewers will see your shared links & they will successfully land to your Blog.
But to get Traffic from Facebook page, you must have 1000′s of Page Likes. If you don’t know how to add fan page likes, then check the post below.
Also Read
4. Make use of Advertisements
If you use Facebook, you might have seen Banner Ads of Brands, Services etc in the Sidebar with the Like Button. You can also display your Blog Banner Ads with the like button by paying few Dollars. This Displaying of your Blog ads will gain you huge likes and exposure. This step will easily gain you traffic to your Blog, but you have to pay few Dollars for this work.
5. Create Fake Accounts
I don’t know what this step will put my impression on you. But creating Bunch of Fake Accounts always helps in Gaining Traffic from Facebook. Most of the Top Bloggers say that Creating Fake Accounts gets them Satisfactory Traffic. You can start sharing your posts in the Fake Accounts as I mentioned in the Step 2. This will surely help to get traffic from facebook.
6. Use Third Party Applications
This tip was suggested by Mani Vishwanathan.
There are a number of third party applications that are available with Facebook, which are useful in inviting and in the promotion of your blog via Facebook. Some of the applications that can be included in this process of promoting your blog will include My Blogs, Social RSS, Networked Blogs and Blog Badges.
RSS Graffiti is another useful facebook application which will help you get some visits.
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