5 Best Social Bookmarking Sites that can gain huge Traffic

Social Bookmarking has always been a Effective way to increase the Traffic of the Blog. It is easiest,effective and far better than other ways to Increase Traffic.In My Suggestion, you should follow Least(4or5) Bookmarking sites and then try to make the best out of it.
I am writing this post to make you aware to do Bookmarking in Top 5 sites. These sites can drastically increase your Traffic on your Blog. So to be successfull in gaining visitors then make habit to Bookmark your each and every post in these sites.
Recommended sites to get your Bookmarking done
1. Digg – You must have heard about this site. It has PR8 & Alexa Rank- 156. Most of the Bloggers use the Plugin for “Digg it” . So you know how important is to do Bookmarking in this Site.

2. StumbleUpon -It has PR8 & Alexa Rank- 418. So it is 2nd in Top 5 List. Many Bloggers and Webmasters including me me Recommend me to Bookmark your Each post here. It is the Largest Bookmarking site & stands 2nd in Driving Traffic after Search Engines.

3. Technorati -It has PR9 & Alexa Rank- 676. It is the largest Blog & also serve as a Blog Directory.  So adding the Blogs in there Directory can also gain you Traffic. It is the Best Spot for Bloggers and they do Bookmark each post here.

4. Facebook – It has PR10 & Alexa Rank- 2. It is the main and the Largest Social Networking Sites with Huge Daily Visitors. So you know how important is to Bookmark your each post here. Also you can create a Fan Page here and with huge likes & it can be a Effective way to Increase Traffic of the Blog.

5. Reddit -It has PR8 & Alexa Rank-664. Reddit community is very loyal, you need to be careful about self-promotion.  If you try to promote your content too often or submit the wrong type of content, Reddit will ban your submission or even your account.  Personally I have noticed that the Reddit community is much more likely to down vote post that they dislike, compared to Digg and StumbleUpon where that rarely happens.

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